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E-Commerce has looked at all the factors when it comes to e-commerce. Whether you are looking for a simple solution with a shopping cart integration, or a custom solution that uses our API to connect the dots, has done the work for you to make it as simple and easy to run your payments as possible.

Shopping Cart Integration

Tranzcrypt Shopping Cart IntegrationsIf you are an e-commerce merchant and need a shopping cart integration into your new or existing third party shopping cart we have your back. is proud say we have a growing list of over 65 third party shopping carts that are integrated with our payment gateway. Take a look at the integration list to see if your cart is on it. Don’t worry if your shopping cart is not listed it might be a good candidate for using our Gateway Emulator feature.

QuickClick – Buy Now & Donate Button Generator

Tranzcrypt Quick ClickQuickClick is a secure and reliable solution that is very easy to use for merchants who are looking for the simple features for a small number of products or services. QuickClick will help you create buy now and donate buttons that you can embed into your website with easy-to-use .html code, or go that extra mile and get help with more complex buttons and quantity selections.

Easy Integration With Gateway Emulator Feature

Gateway EmulatorMerchants that are looking for a better solution for their gateway can look no further than We offer the Gateway Emulator, making it easy to switch gateway providers without having to reprogram your application. The Gateway Emulator automatically understands other gateway formats, interprets incoming transmissions and responds with a native message. By utilizing the Gateway Emulator, merchants will save considerable time and money.

Powerful Yet Simple API Documentation

Tranzcrpyt Three Step RedirectWhen merchants deal with sensitive card information, they want a system they can trust. That system is’s Three Step Redirect API. The Three Step Redirect API provides a solution that ensures secure data transmission by keeping anyone from seeing, touching, handling, transmitting or storing any sensitive payment details that you may acquire during a transaction.

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